Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data processed by Expat Housing Limburg (hereinafter: EHL) from interested parties. If you provide your personal data to EHL, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you read and keep this Privacy Policy for your records.

  1. Controller

    The controller for the processing of personal data is: Expat Housing Limburg and can be reached via

  2. What data does EHL process and for what purpose
    1. In the context of your registration for a house/apartment, the following personal data is processed:
      1. First and last name, date of birth, place of birth, gender
      2. Address details, if applicable, mailing address
      3. Phone number(s), email address(es), bank account number(s)
      4. Other financial information required to assess your ability to meet financial obligations
    2. EHL processes the personal data mentioned in sub 2.1 for the following purposes:
      1. Your name, address, phone number, and email address are used for contact regarding the property to be viewed and to draft any lease agreement.
      2. Your name, address details, and phone number are used to send information about the property for rent.
      3. Your name and bank account number are used for collecting payments.
    3. Your name and phone number will be retained for a maximum of one year after the end of the lease agreement for the purpose of settling the agreement.
  3. Retention Periods

    EHL processes and retains your personal data for the duration of your lease agreement, up to a maximum of one year after the end of this membership. Afterward, the personal data will be destroyed.

  4. Security Measures and Processors
    1. To protect your personal data, EHL has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures.
    2. EHL does not use third-party services for processing personal data.
  5. Right of Access, Deletion, and Questions/Complaints
    1. You can submit a request through EHL’s administration to access, receive, modify, or delete your personal data. EHL will process the request and inform you within one month of receiving it.
    2. If you wish to object to the (further) processing of your personal data as referred to in Article 2, you can also contact the administration.
    3. If you have complaints about how EHL processes your personal data or handles your requests, you can contact EHL’s administration.
    4. Any other questions or comments about this Privacy Policy can be directed to our administration at
  6. Changes This Privacy Policy may be amended. Changes will be announced via the website. We recommend reviewing the Privacy Policy regularly.